West Seattle Toastmasters 832

Welcome to West Seattle Toastmasters 832
Where Public Speakers Become Leaders
West Seattle Toastmasters is a friendly and comfortable place to learn and practice public speaking.
Attend, practice, and learn with people who are there for the same reason: to become a confident communicator. Join our diverse membership with a range of speaking experience from 15 minutes to 10 years!
Club Mission & Facts
In our club, members are empowered to develop their communication and leadership skills. They gain self-confidence and stretch their personal and professional skillsets. Our club provides a supportive and positive environment to enhance everyone's learning experience.
Quick facts about Club 832:
founded in 1950
located in West Seattle, WA (currently online)
diverse membership with a mix of young professionals & established leaders
fun, supportive community.
Get in Touch
Upcoming Meetings
Guests are always welcome! ​​​​​​​
Tues., Feb. 18: 6:30–8 p.m.
Tues., Mar. 4: 6:30–8 p.m.
Tues., Mar. 18: 6:30–8 p.m.
Meeting Details
1st & 3rd Tuesday each month
6:30–8 p.m. (PT)
on Zoom
RSVP for link wstoastmasters832@gmail.com
Why Toastmasters?
If you're looking for a fun way to improve your communication and leadership skills, then Toastmasters is the place for you!
Attend club meetings to:
improve public speaking skills
gain self-confidence
build listening skills
network in a small, supportive environment
practice presenting in a group setting
get a mentor to guide you through your Toastmasters journey.
What Our Members Say

I’ve learned a lot about public speaking by participating in Toastmasters. It’s fun and everyone’s so helpful and supportive. Club 832 is a great place to make new friends – we laugh a lot. And I’ve conquered my nerves!

West Seattle Toastmasters provided me a fun, safe and engaging environment to hone my public speaking skills. The meetings were fun! I learned new things, heard fantastic stories, and met a great group of people.

When I first came to Toastmasters I was looking for confidence to stand in front of an audience. Now I enter public speaking contests for fun. Toastmasters is truly an organization that makes genuine change in your life.